Friday 19 June 2015

Mashi at Assitej in Berlin.

After a slightly delayed start to arriving in Berlin, I was happy to arrive at THEATER AN DER PARKAUE and meet the TYA UK comrades that would become my friends during the week and beyond. 

I got to know the city through seeing a number of shows in a number of venues but highlights I would like to talk about are:

Raw: Raw was one of the most outstanding and daring pieces of theatre for young audiences that I have seen (and I have seen a lot of theatre!). The Belgium company, Kabinet K. The performers spanned three generations featuring seven children and two adults. A dance piece with limited language was indeed Raw, the costumes were basic and the set was minimal, a representation of what will be left for the next generation, a world of chaos and survival. The space was filled with a live music from an electric guitar and the energies of the performers moving on stage pulled the audience through an array of emotions. We felt their fear, their community, their gentleness, their warmth and their vulnerability. We were left feeling raw.
The piece fitted well in an international festival setting as the story transcends language. I was particularly inspired by the boldness of the company to place young people on stage and give them total unapologetic freedom to express themselves.

Spotted: Tours around different areas in Berlin led by local arts enthusiasts. We gained a real insight into how life was for West Germans visiting East Germany. As they couldn't take any local currency back with them they struggled to spend their money, which usually resulted in a lot of beer drinking before returning to West Germany!

Looking forward to Assitej in Birmingham next year. Where will you be in July 2016........ BIRMINGHAM!!!! 

Monday 1 June 2015

Lots of walking in Berlin and not always in the right direction! The venues were scattered throughout Berlin which was a great way to get to know (and get lost in) the city. 

Erm...which way was it again? 

Spotted: A spot of history from our enthusiastic guides from Assitej

Someone stop that bus Sarah Argent isn't on it yet!! 

My fellow TYA bursary pal Daniel. 

Independent Artists in Berlin

Can you believe this church was moved from East Germany to West Germany and then rebuilt in East Germany again?! 

Indepedant Puppeteer Artist 

Independent Artists Set design

Beautifully presented snack! 

Daniel and Kevin food heaven! 

Assitej of the past flying above us. 

Can theatre change the world? Discuss...

Ernie my favourite travel friend, equipped for any mishap.

Assitej know how to do a finale

Much deserved Awards 

More picture perfect moments

A beer from each region - well, if I must! 

You've been framed. 

Party time with the UK crew

Couldn't leave Berlin without visiting Theatre Greats. 

Words cannot describe this show... left tearful and speechless. Everyone should see this!

Asparagus Season in Berlin

A few thank yous. 

Assitej around the world

And relax with strudel and wine, last day in Berlin

Farewell Berlin

Thursday 23 April 2015

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Day 2 (Let's not talk about missed flights)

Artistic Encounters, too much coffee and schedules. It must be the start of a great international theatre festival for young people.

Monday 20 April 2015


Berlin here I come - once I've cleared my desk and packed. Hmmm...